There is nothing in this world I could want more than to be able to drop everything and come see you for few hours. There is nothing I dream of more often than even just a few seconds of reuniting with you again.
If heaven had visiting hours I would stop by every day.
I would drop everything to come and tell you about my day.
I would fill you in on EVERYTHING. The good, the bad, the ugly, all of the gossip, we would talk for hours and hours.
I would hug you and never let you go.
I would curl up in your arms again and feel the safest I have in years.
I would cry. Tears of happiness of course.
I would tell you about everything you’re missing.
I would remind you that you are the reason for everything I do, every single day.
I would make sure you know you are still a part of every day.
I would tell you I love you, again and again. I would make sure you would NEVER forget that.
I would tell you how great everyone is doing. How we keep each other strong and that you left me in the best hands.
I would tell you how much I miss you and that you are in my thoughts every second of every day.
I would catch up on all of our favorite shows and movies. Just laying with you and relaxing, my favorite things.
I would say see you later, but only until the next day I could come back again.
If only, heaven had visiting hours.
For more of Christie’s writing follow her on Facebook