I’m not sure which part makes all of this so difficult. Maybe it’s because so few people around me can relate. Maybe it’s because my life will never be the same. For whatever the reason, I know I’m the girl without a mom and I know that it makes me different.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have someone to tell them what to wear for that special occasion.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have that person to go to for relationship and break up advice.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have someone to spend Mothers Day with.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have someone to tell them what shoes to wear with that dress.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have that person to go shopping with.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have that person to get the best advice from.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have that person to call to tell about their exciting day.
I’m the girl who doesn’t have that person to call on their really bad day.
I’m the girl who won’t have that person to go wedding dress shopping with.
I’m the girl who won’t have that person to get parenting advice from.
I’m the girl who won’t have that person to get advice on how to be a wife from.
I’m the girl who gets quiet when everyone is talking about their mom’s.
I’m the girl who is lost in so many things without my mom.
I’m the girl without my best friend.
I’m the girl in this really crappy club that I didn’t ask to be a part of.
But I’m also the girl that’s strong.
I’m also the girl that’s resilent.
I’m also the girl that’s been through hell and back and still has a smile on my face.
I’m also the girl that is kicking ass in life.
I’m the brave girl without a mom. This is who I am.
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Also, here are some great resources for anyone who has lost a mother