Oftentimes, life seems to be one challenge after another, leaving you wondering when you are going to catch a break or things will get easier. Life is not easy. Nothing about it is. Sometimes, I find myself trying so hard to hold on to happy moments just because I live in such fear for the next time something terribly hard is going to happen that I am going to need to overcome.
And you know what makes these awful moments even worse? Having to live through them without your mom. My mom was always supposed to be there. She was supposed to pick me up when I fell and be the voice of reason in my ear every time I didn’t know if I was making the right choice. She was supposed to be there to fix things and make the difficult things in life easier. She was supposed to be the reason that I was never alone.
So having to go through these types of things without her is awful. In fact, the more time that goes on, the more I start to realize how much I am really missing out on by not having my mom to go through life’s struggles with me.
For every road block and every time I am left not knowing where to turn, I find myself desperately missing and craving the love, advice and wisdom from my mom.
There are so many things she is missing. There are so many things that she was supposed to be here for and she isn’t.
The world is scary. Life is overwhelming and often times just plain HARD. Having to figure out how to move forward and conquer these terrifying things without her has 100% been the hardest thing that I have ever had to do.
There is no love like the love that comes from a mother and there is nobody on this earth that could take her place or fill the void of what is missing.
Life is hard, but having to do it all without your mom, is even harder.
For more of Christie’s writing follow her on Facebook
Instagram: healing_throughgrief
Also, here are some great resources for anyone who has lost a mother
It has been 3 years this past April since I lost my mom they say it gets easier I don’t feel it I just Live with the pain every day. I feel guilty I feel like I cleaned how her room to fast gay summer for things away too fast I moved into her room after she passed away it’s weird being in there but it’s all done over I know she is with me everyday and everything that I do I feel her but it’s just sad knowing she’s not in that other room that when I come home from work I can’t go and talk to her and tell her about my day. I’m an only child she was my best friend she’s a great mom a great grandmother. I sound comfort in food and I’ve gained about 60 pounds I look awful but I’m so depressed Taking medication to help me and it does help a little but it doesn’t help the weight and I have no will power or energy to go to the gym… I love reading your post it definitely helps me… God-bless
You sound more like a spoiled child who doesn’t have her favorite toy to play with than you do a grown woman "healing through grief" Whining about how hard things are for you because mommy’s not here to make decisions for you and hold your hand every step of the way. Life IS hard and full of challenges, and YES losing your mother is one of the hardest things life will throw at you. I know….. my mom’s gone too, and there are countless times when I wish she was still here….. but she’s not.
These notions that mommy was "suppose to fix things", "suppose to always be there", "suppose to be the reason I was never alone" are not realistic and I think just undermine the healing process.